Testing urine is always a messy, time consuming, and an expensive task. However, with the advancement in technologies, the drug test cups are designed to ease your testing efforts. These test cups are often considered as an integrated drug testing technique that not only requires a few components to conduct but the procedure can be accomplished with limited time and mess. There is no doubt to say that specimen handling can turn out to be hazardous with the possible contact with the harmful infections such as HIV. For instance, what if the specimen of a urine sample contaminated with blood accidentally splashes out to your mouth? The splash can lead to the several risks.
What are drug test cups and how to use it?
According to diverse clinical reports and scientific research, any body fluid apparently infected with blood is often considered to be able to transmit the harmful diseases including Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Hepatitis B Virus (HPV), and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The drug testing cups eliminate the risks of all the above-listed infections. However, it is a must to take the mentioned precautions while undergoing the test. For instance, it is advisable to put on the medical gloves, an appropriate facial shield, and a lab coat. In addition to this, the practitioner should concentrate on the specimen to analyze whether the urine is contaminated with blood? If you spot any contamination, it is recommended to follow appropriate protocols.
List of drugs that can be tested using drug test cups
Unlike the test conducted in laboratories which not only consume the precious time but are also expensive, the test conducted through drug test cup is easy yet effective. Apart from this, you don't require to possess any specific skills and proficiency for the same. This is because the instructions for taking and evaluating the specimen are basic and uncomplicated. The entire guidelines to process the test are apparent in the card.
Follow the step by step instructions of the procedure card, initiate the test, check the results and evaluate if you find urine along with the contaminated blood. That’s all you are done. The procedure doesn’t take more than half an hour. The drug test cups are capable of testing up to 14 drugs per each test. The major drugs that can be tested through these cups include:
• Amphetamine (AMP)
• Cocaine (COC)
• Barbiturate (BAR)
• Methadone (MTD)
• Benzodiazepine (BZO)
• Opiate (OPI)
• Methamphetamine (mAMP)
• Marijuana (THC)
• Oxycodone (OXY)
• Ecstasy (MDMA)
• Phencyclidine (PCP)
• Propoxyphene (PPX)
• Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA)
• Buprenorphine (BUP)
How to evaluate the results?
If a rose pink-colored band is apparent at every control portion and ‘No’ color bands are visible in the proper test region, the result is said to be positive whilst the rose pink-colored at control portion along with appropriate regions are visible if the results are negative.